Thursday, May 26, 2016

Garden 2016


This is my first garden in Germany.  In the US I would have a large garden every year so I'm really excited to have one here this year.
The two pictures below are potatoes.  I have over 400 potato plants in my garden this year.  Which is not normal for me but they are part of a project I'm working on.  This project is for my master thesis looking at Maria Thun biodynamic calendar.
Below I have a few rows of spinach.
Then a few rows of fava beans or broad beans.

Below rhubarb can be seen.  Fun fact:  My family always uses horse manure on rhubarb with the belief that it will grow better.  But my family is not the only ones, many farmers also believe this.
A patch of mint that came up on its own.
We also have a field of fava beans, below.
At the beginning of the gardening season my boyfriend and I completely took up the old garden.  Digging up all the old plants so we could have a whole new arrangement.  I did not plant asparagus this year but as you can see below it is coming up on its own.  Which is fine because I have been picking it to eat.

Below is a piece of asparagus I picked today.  I was impressed with have long it is.  It must be a good 3 foot.
All the asparagus I picked today.
My helper Clara.

Flower Garden

I don't do much with the flower garden.  My boyfriends mother is the one who takes care of them.  But I do like to take pitchers of all the flowers.
There was a bunch of bumblebees in these pink and purple flowers today.

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