Thursday, March 31, 2016


Clea one of my farm dogs in the US died yesterday.  Even from a puppy she was an old dog, never playing like a puppy.  She was also one of the smartest dog I ever had.  Being house broke from day one, even house breaking her own puppies.  I watched her put a 2000lbs bull to its knees when he would try to get out.  She also loved to hunt mice and squirrels in the woods.  And if it came down to it she would protect her family fiercely.
At her favorite store, Tractor Supply.
Beauty time.
Helping cut wood.

Her best friends were a cat named Eragon and my sisters dog Jasper.  Who are also both gone now too.

Playing in the snow with my sister.
Posing for some art shots.


  1. Loved playing with her when I lived next to your mom n dad. She was a great dog! So sorry Tiff!

  2. Sorry to hear that. Was clea the same dog when you was lil? She sure did had a happy life.

    1. Thanks. No we had Blackie then. Clea was one I got a few years after high school.
