Thursday, March 31, 2016


Clea one of my farm dogs in the US died yesterday.  Even from a puppy she was an old dog, never playing like a puppy.  She was also one of the smartest dog I ever had.  Being house broke from day one, even house breaking her own puppies.  I watched her put a 2000lbs bull to its knees when he would try to get out.  She also loved to hunt mice and squirrels in the woods.  And if it came down to it she would protect her family fiercely.
At her favorite store, Tractor Supply.
Beauty time.
Helping cut wood.

Her best friends were a cat named Eragon and my sisters dog Jasper.  Who are also both gone now too.

Playing in the snow with my sister.
Posing for some art shots.

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Watercolor Landscape

I've not painted many watercolor landscape before.  Watercolor is still new to me.  In the past I've used acrylics and oils to paint landscapes.  So I looked up a tutorial on YouTube and found one.  Click here to see it.  I find tutorials a great way to learn new techniques and they sometimes allow me to try something new.  This painting is not my favorite but I learned techniques that I can apply to the next painting. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Toned Sketchbook

I've never really used a toned sketchbook before.  So I bought a cheap small sketchbook on amazon, to try out.  These are the first two sketches I've done.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

He has Risen

  I'm a Christian and faith is very important to me.  I believe that Jesus Christ died of our sins and rose three days later.  So this is a watercolor I did of the empty tomb.
I also did a watercolor sketch in my sketchbook for Easter.


Even farmers have to get away from the farm once in awhile.  So yesterday my boyfriend and I when for a hike.  We ended up hiking about 11.5 km, so not to far.  The path we took went from a monastery to a small town.  The farm dog even got to come which is a lot for fun for her. 
These two pictures I took with a fisheye lens I have for my phone.

I also have a micro lens for my phone which allowed me to take the next three pictures.

The landscape was beautiful the whole way.

There was a walkway along the outside of the town that followed a little stream and had little ponds every so often.

We even seen a piece of art made of horseshoes.

These were taken in the town we walked to.

I hope you enjoyed the pictures.

Friday, March 25, 2016

Homemade Roll Pen Case

My pen collection has been getting bigger lately.  Making it harder to take them on walks and travel.  So I wanted to make a pen case that I could travel with and would not take up a lot of room.  I had some old clothes lying around and decided to use them instead of buying new stuff to make a case.
The purple shirt is a sport turtleneck and I hate turtlenecks.  So I cut off the top turtleneck part to make the case.  Now that the top is off I might even use the shirt to workout in.  So a win-win.
I then took all the stitching out of the turtleneck.
I did not want to measure so I just winged it.  Using a few pens to get the right size and then put in some sewing pins to hold it.
I then went to the sewing machine to finish it up.  The stitches are not the best because I have not used a sewing machine in a few years.  But I think it turned out ok.
I put stitching up the middle to make different pockets and added a string for a tie.  I think this is a great project that allowed me to use some old clothes and did not cost a thing.  It also rolls up nice for travel and it is easy to take with me anywhere.  This is a very simple project that anyone could do to save some money.  And remember it doesn't have to be perfece, mine isn't.  It just has to work for you.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March 23 Sketches

I seen a piece of work on Pinterest today, by Martin Missfeldt called Winter landscape.  And was inspired to do these three sketches in my sketchbook.